"Captivating. Uplifting. Impactful." 

Delivering the message you need to hear so you can get something different.

Carrie’s mission is to go against the grain, and EVERYTHING the industry had EVER told us about our health and happiness by teaching simple, scientifically proven methods that help SHIFT mindset and strategy around your health.

She's urgent about TEACHING the world how to live with FOOD FREEDOM and finally understand the truth about how to be the HEALTHIEST versions of ourselves...mind, body and lifestyle.

It's SO MUCH MORE THAN NUTRITION.  Although that's the foundation that most don't know. 

Don't let her beauty, youthfulness, compassion and intellect, fool you.  She's a “rebel-against-the industry” and she'll tap into exactly what you NEED to hear, even if it's not what you WANT to her.

Why? Because she is Unapologetically Disruptive.


Carrie’s keynote is perfect for audiences:

Looking to make significant and lasting changes in their lives

Feeling stuck in cycles of stress and self-sabotage

Wrestling with making progress in spite of the chaos and unpredictability of life 

Your audience will walk away armed with:

  • An inspired view of their own thoughts and beliefs that unlock the key to genuine, long-term change
  • Steps to change their thinking using an achievable, 1% progress at a time methodology

20 years of real-world behavioral science experience...

All packaged into immediately-actionable tools to help your audience get out of their own way and finally live their purpose.

Our thoughts and our beliefs dictate our actions.

 Self-awareness is health, self-consciousness is disease.

 If you want something different, you have to do something different…consistently.

Start the Conversation

Interested in having Carrie speak at your next in-person or virtual event, or be featured on your podcast?

Fill in your information and we will get back to you ASAP.